Ngowe Mangoes

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The original Ngowe tree (so it is believed) was brought from Zanzibar and planted in Lamu approximately 1897. This typical coastal cultivar, also known as Lamu mango, can now be found all along the coastline and has also adapted well to medium altitude locations.

Ngowe is the most easily recognized of the local mango fruits. It is large, oblong and slender with a very prominent hook-like beak at the apex. From pale green, the fruit develops to a most attractive yellow to orange color when ripe. The deep yellow flesh is of excellent quality, virtually free from fibre, melting, and carries no turpentine taste.

The average fruit length measures 14 cm with a width of 9.5 cm, and a weight range of 425—600 g (mean: 523 g). The seeds are polyembryonic which means progeny develops more or less true-to-type. The trees are comparatively small and round in shape. Depending on location, harvesting may start in November and continue until March. Yields are medium and alternate bearing may occur.